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Seek your truth
Discover the power of self-discovery


Seek your truth
Explore the path to absolution
At The Wandering Wizard in Salt Lake City, we empower you on your journey towards self-discovery and healing. Our unique approach combines meditation, pranayama, herbal medicine, and harmonic resonance to guide seekers like you to find inner peace and absolution. Step into our Apothecary, where ancient wisdom meets modern practice, and embrace the transformative power of holistic wellness. Let us be your partner in this enchanting journey of the soul.
healing hands
  • Guided journeys
    Explore self-discovery and healing

  • “The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.” 
― Thich Nhat Hanh
    Meditation guidance
    Unlock your inner peace through guided meditation sessions.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Quarantine Stations participate in public health preparedness exercises at US international airports, and work with visiting partners from other countries, during public health training exercises. CDC’s Atlanta Quarantine Station staff, escort and work with public health partners, visiting from many countries, including Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, and Sierra Leone.
    Pranayama classes
    Breathe deeply and transform your energy through pranayama.
  • Colorful medication
    Herbal medicine workshops
    Explore the healing properties of nature with herbal medicine.
Get in touch
Explore your journey with us.